How it Works 5 STAR PROCESS FAQ SIGN UP Sign Up Sign up online or call us at 888-857-2257 to set up an account and begin reserving experiences. SIGN UP Reserve Experiences Select from our vast collection of over 250 auction packages and reserve those best suited to your specific event. We deliberately offer a variety of our experiences to ensure you receive what you are looking for. EXPLORE Prepare Your Showcase Download the corresponding pdf for each package reserved, which is used to market the full trip, and display it at your auction. DOWNLOAD Run Your Auction Offer our packages risk-free at live, silent, online auctions or raffles. Maximize your fundraising efforts by selling each package multiple times and only paying for those which you generate a profit on. EXPERIENCES Tell Us What Sold After your event, tell us what sold and our travel services department handles everything the winning bidders need to redeem their auction package. CONTACT New York, New York! LEARN MORE Riviera Romance LEARN MORE The Players Championship LEARN MORE The Tonight Show LEARN MORE Rockefeller Center Christmas Tree Lighting LEARN MORE Scenic South Dakota LEARN MORE Phuket Serenity LEARN MORE Marvelous Marrakesh LEARN MORE Vintage Vermont LEARN MORE The Emmys LEARN MORE EXPLORE DESTINATIONS